CIRCULATION: Constructing - a systems analysis

Episode 1 - Dilek Winchester

TITLE: List of members for Artists Cafe at Hutchinson Internment CampDATE: December 1940FORMAT: Document - printed ephemeraCOLLECTION: Tate Archive

TITLE: List of members for Artists Cafe at Hutchinson Internment Camp

DATE: December 1940

FORMAT: Document - printed ephemera

COLLECTION: Tate Archive

CREATOR: FRED UHLMANPRODUCTION DATE: 1940CATALOGUE NUMBER: Art.IWM ART LD 7541Object descriptionimage: the interior of the café of Hutchinson internment camp, near Douglas on the Isle of Man. Nine male German internees sit around a long table, four …




Object description

image: the interior of the café of Hutchinson internment camp, near Douglas on the Isle of Man. Nine male German internees sit around a long table, four of the men wearing glasses. Washing hangs along two clothes lines above them.

Episode 2 - Bengu Karaduman

Medium Gouache and pencil on printed paper on cardstock Dimensions 7 1/2 x 9 1/2" (19.1 x 24.1 cm)Copyright © 2020 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

Medium Gouache and pencil on printed paper on cardstock Dimensions 7 1/2 x 9 1/2" (19.1 x 24.1 cm)

Copyright © 2020 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris


Episode 3 - Pinar Hosafci

Episode 4 - Vahap Avsar


IMMUNITY: Seeding & Sprawling - the Family

Geoffrey Hendricks, Seeding, 1975 from Electronic Arts Intermix

Geoffrey Hendricks, Seeding, 1975 from Electronic Arts Intermix

from New York Public Library Digital CollectionsTitle D. M. Ferry & Co's. standard seeds.Collection Commercial postersDates / OriginDate Issued 1895 - 1917 (Approximate)

from New York Public Library Digital Collections

Title D. M. Ferry & Co's. standard seeds.

Collection Commercial posters

Dates / OriginDate Issued 1895 - 1917 (Approximate)

Jakob von Uexkuell, Theoretical Biology, 1864-1944

Jakob von Uexkuell, Theoretical Biology, 1864-1944

from the British MuseumMuseum number 1984,0124,0.1.44Description Watercolour painting with a pen and ink border of cotton production. A man sits on the floor ginning cotton to separate the fibres from the seeds. He sits in front of a wooden frame th…

from the British Museum

Museum number 1984,0124,0.1.44

Description Watercolour painting with a pen and ink border of cotton production. A man sits on the floor ginning cotton to separate the fibres from the seeds. He sits in front of a wooden frame through which he is ginning the cotton. He wears yellow trousers with a white tunic and red turban. Behind him are two baskets of cotton. Standing facing him is a woman wearing yellow trousers, a red tunic and a green shawl that covers her head and shoulders. On her head she balances a large basket of cotton. She points at the seated man with her left hand.


REPRODUCTION: Harvesting the Land - Rural & Agriculture



Miya Masaoka, Adventures of the Solitary Bee, 1999, 8'32"In these insect works, she uses her body as a blank canvass for the insects to explore. In “Ritual For Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches,” she gives agency to the insects, as their movements trig…

Miya Masaoka, Adventures of the Solitary Bee, 1999, 8'32"

In these insect works, she uses her body as a blank canvass for the insects to explore. In “Ritual For Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches,” she gives agency to the insects, as their movements trigger samples of their pre-recorded sounds and contribute to the structure and content to the piece.